Saturday, May 16, 2009

In Which Thing2 Makes an Amazing Recovery


Life has taken an unexpectedly good turn in the last few weeks.

Over the last weeks Thing2 has gained weight is now a normal healthy skinny weight for her height.

Better yet, her last blood tests revealed that her liver scores have returned to within 2-points of normal.

And best of all, her mind is clearer than it has been in years!

I'll finish with this gratuitous kitty picture in which girl kitty says "hi" to the camera and asks "Whatcha doin?"

Monday, May 11, 2009

Superficial food safety article in NY Times misses the mark

Outbreaks Put Worry on the Table - Readers' Comments -

The subtitle to this article is
Experts believe the food supply is safer than in the days before pasteurization and refrigeration, but new dangers have emerged.

It seems to me that disease levels pre-refrigeration and pre-pasteurization is a very, very low bar for our modern food safety.

This article is nearly devoid of useful analysis - providing only statistics since 1996.

How about comparing US food-born illness risks to those in other developed countries?

And how can they not even mention the reduction in funding the FDA has experienced while the import of food has exploded?