Saturday, October 23, 2010

Future reading

The Chronicle reports on two new blogging platforms that purport to make it as easy to blog as it is to twitter. I'd like to take a look at them when I have more time. New platforms make blogging more immediate, mobile
New York's Tumblr, along with San Francisco's Posterous, have simplified the process even more. Their tools remove the headache of figuring out different formats for photographs, documents and other rich media. Users can e-mail, call or text message their updates. There's no need to ever log on to the site.

I hate paying nearly $90 per month for TV. I'm going to come back to this. But we are sports fans... so it may be challenging. Apple TV could let users cut their cable TV bill -
The wallet-size device gives users access to plenty of shows, movies and music without having to subscribe to a service. But sports fans won't find much to cheer about.


  1. We've been without TV on & off for two years! I guess we'll apppreciate it a lot more when we finally get it connected.

  2. These times have really been hard for your family. I'm sure the girls have missed the TV, although I often think we'd be better off without it.

  3. I watch TV some but not much. I like the History Channel and Discovery Channel...and of course, The Weather Channel! At my building here for seniors, the 78 channels of cable are "free" but who knows for how long.
